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Hello, Iʼm Nicolas Meienberger
About Me
About Me
I'm a software engineer with 9 years of professional experience and passionate about learning new technologies. I'm always looking to improve my skills. Performances and maintainability are some of my biggest concerns regarding software development.

Work experience
Work experience
Staff Engineer @ Benevity SA
Geneva, Switzerland
Technical lead, Developments in flagship products, Architecture design, code reviews, and mentoring.
Full Stack Developer @ Lifemall
Geneva, Switzerland
Development of a custom mobile e-commerce platform using React-Native, React, MongoDB and GraphQL.
Full Stack Developer @ HARDAH Sàrl
Renens, Switzerland
Development of a social media platform using PHP, MySQL, React Native. Social media workflow (Login, Profile, Timeline), Advanced Picture / Video editing with OpenGL shaders
Co-Founder & CTO @ SimpleDee
Renens, Switzerland
Mobile application development services. Mobile development using React Native / NodeJs / GraphQL, Project Management / Customer care
Tools and technologies I love
Tools and technologies I love
My Projects
My Projects
Tipi is a free and open-source homeserver orchestrator. It is running docker containers under the hood and provides a simple web interface to manage them.
Deevent is a mobile App which gathers all the greatest places to visit in Switzerland. Users can discover different point of interests based on tailored suggestions
An app to track your cryptocurrency master nodes. Users can get update on their node status and rewards in real time.
React Native Picasso
react-native-picasso is an open-source library used to bring bootstrap like classNames to mobile developement